Who is the Holy Spirit?
Recently, my thoughts have revolved a LOT around the question of “Who is the Holy Spirit?” and “how” does He interact/move in our lives? One of King David’s passionate pleas with God is found in Psalm 51, where in verse 11, he pleads with God “Do not cast me away from Thy presence, and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me.” Powerful plea, indeed – one that I read every day as a part of my routine.
I recently did a study of different ways that the Holy Spirit works – and, I found at least 27 verses that tell us exactly how He is involved in the life of a believer. Every verse revealed an “action” – for instance John
16:8 tells us that He “convicts” us concerning sin, righteousness and judgement. Ephesians 1:13 says that after we repent and yield our hearts and lives to Christ that He “seals” us with the “Holy Spirit of promise.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 tells us that He “reveals the things of God” to us - - which is why the Bible becomes less confusing after we are saved than it is to non-believers!! Romans 8:26 tells us that He “prays and intercedes” for us – something that I thought that only Jesus did. My hope and prayer for each of us is that we will DAILY interact with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in such a way that our lives are FILLED with His promises and actions – that we are DAILY involving ourselves in an ACTIVE two-way relationship that is vibrant and powerful and fruitful - - not because of who we are – but because we ARE filled with His Holy Spirit – and, find that “ we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.” Phillipians 4:13. God Bless each of you, beyond measure, today and always!! (And, yes, I will share the results of my study if you are interested.)
Cliff G.