Church Bulletin
Ladies Study
Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM
Mens Studies
Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM and Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM
All Church Night of Prayer and Worship
Will be the First Wednesday Night of each month at 6:30
Wednesday Night
Come Join us at 6:30 pm for our Interactive Midweek Service. We are going through the Book of Revelation.
It is that time of year we are looking for volunteers to help with decorations, station leaders, and most important crew leaders who take kids around. Sign up in foyer. our VBS will be July 14-18, 2005
Youth Group Night
Thursday nights 6:00-8:00 pm. Plan for an evening of Bible study, worship, activities and dinner. Bring your Friends!
Home Fellowships
Sunday nights 5-6:30 PM at Host homes. Friday Morning 11:00 AM - 1 PM at Pam & Terry Smith’s House
Food Pantry
We are always in need of of dried goods (rice, canned goods, pasta and cereal)
Children’s Ministry
We are in need of 4 teachers in Kids Church. Please see Lorraine Aldrete.
Young Adult Bible Study
1830 Ministry 1Kings 18:30, We will meet the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month starting in March. Please contact Pastor Dave Will (2561)288-9682 or Pastor Joe (251) 504-6210 or visit our website ( for more information
Young at Heart Potluck
Friday March 28th at 5:30. This months theme is “Calvary’s Chit Chat Cafe”. Get to know your church family through a variety of topics. Adult 50 and over are invited.
Youth Retreat Fundraisers
March 23 breakfast burritos available both services and March 30th carwash after second service
Youth Retreat
We will be going to Gilf Shores State Park April 11-13. Cost is $150. Sign up today