Our Ministries.
Sunday Morning
We have two services on Sunday Morning. 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM. We only provide childcare at our 10:30 service.
Women's Ministry
Women’s Study will be on Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm as well as Wednesday Morning at 10:00 am. It is our desire that whatever season of life you are in that you would be encouraged and equipped in the Word of God. That we would be women who encourage other women to love the Lord, love their husbands, love their children and share Gods love with everyone that they come in contact with. Please Contact Lorraine Aldrete for any information @ Pjwifealdrete@hotmail.com or (251) 255-2582
Men's Ministry
Mens Study is on Tuesday Nights at 6:30pm and on Saturday Mornings at 6am. Our purpose is to equip and encourage men in their walk with the Lord. We worship together, pray for one another and study God’s word together. Please Contact Pastor Mike Mctigue for any information @ michaelmctigue53@yahoo.com or (251) 504-8008. Or Pastor David Williams @ (251) 288-9682 or davidlynnae@gmail.com.
Children's Ministry
Our Children ministry is on Sunday Mornings during the 10:30 am Sunday Service and on Wednesday Nights during service. There is no greater joy than to see your children walk in the ways of the Lord. Our children’s ministry is designed to minister God’s Word to our kids in an age-appropriate way so that they can receive from the Lord and grow in faith. Please Contact Lorraine Aldrete for any information @ (951) 255-2582 or pjwifealdrete@hotmail.com. Must have attended Calvary for at least 6 months and filled out the ministry questionnaire to serve.
Youth Ministry
The Youth meet every Thursday Night at 6:30 pm for a time of worship, fellowship, games, food, and the Word of GOD! Our Heart is to pour into the youth of this community and help them build a biblical foundation. To show them the love of Christ is real and life changing. To continue to pour into them and disciple them as they become Men and Women who follow God. Please contact Pastor Joe Aldrete @(251)504-6210 or Jaldrete@ccfoley.com
Ushers & Greeters Ministry
This ministry is designed to pour out the love of God on those who come into the church, assist those in finding children’s ministry, handing out bulletins, and finding a place to sit in the sanctuary. Must have attended Calvary for at least 6 months and filled out the ministry questionnaire to serve. Contact Steve Hands @ (251) 880-7415 or stevehands698@gmail.com.
Worship Ministry
Calvary Chapel Foley strongly believes that worship is more than singing a song to our Lord. Colossians 3:16 reads, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...singing psalms and hymns and spirituals songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." As we begin and end every service with a song of praise and gratitude, our desire is to put our hearts on the altar to be purified before Him. We believe worship is a great time of preparation to let His word dwell within us. Contact Misty Gonzalez @ (251) 752-5908 or Mistygonzalez@live.com.
Hispanic Ministry
Todos los Domingos a la 1 de la tarde hay servicio en espanol. Queremos edificar al pueblo de Dios para camine unidos y fuerte en el amor de nuestro Senor y Salvador Jesus Cristo. Contacto Pastor Tony Peralta (251) 504-6929 or ccffadmin@ccfoley.com para más información.
Landscape and Maintenance Ministry
We have a dedicated team to take care of the grounds here at Calvary Chapel. If you would like to serve in that way we ask that you would please call Steve hands at (251) 880-7415 or stevehands698@gmail.com.
Helps Ministry
This ministry is designed to assist in setting up the church before service, clean up after service and events. and to come along side those in need in our communities. Must have attended Calvary for at least 6 months and filled out the ministry questionnaire to serve.
Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is a ministry designed to feed those that are in need in our community. The Church picks up donations from Walmart, Winn Dixie, and Publix. Any one is allowed to come on Thursdays at 8am to come and receive a box of food. You will need a I.D. and only one box per family is given. Please contact (951) 842-9180 or media@ccfoley.com for more information.
Dream Center
Visit the website https://www.dreamcenterbaldwincounty.com or Contact Pastor Joe Aldrete @ (251) 504-6210 or Jaldrete@ccfoley.com.
Midweek Study
On Wednesday Night we meet at 6:30pm! The first Wednesday is a night of worship and targeted prayer. All other Wednesday night are an interactive Bible study
Visitation Ministry
This ministry provides an opportunity to minister to those in need of a personal visit – whether it be in their home, a medical facility or other. The ministry is meant to provide one-on-one support, encouragement and prayer to those in need of that. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, or if you know of someone in need of a visit, please select the “Contact” option on the home page and leave us a message. We will be in contact with you as soon as we can.
Prayer Ministry Overview
Prayer is obviously the underlying foundation and support for all ministries that happen in the body of believers. We have an active and broad prayer ministry at Calvary Chapel Fellowship of Foley; and we encourage all who can participate to do so. You can be as involved as you want to be, and can tailor your participation to your personal needs and schedule. Being involved in this ministry can be as unstructured as you taking time on a regular basis to pray for specific needs in our body - - or can be as structured as meeting with others at specific times and places to engage in more corporate prayer. To be involved in this ministry, or, to communicate a current prayer request, please click on the link below on this page. We will respond as quickly as possible. Each request gets sent to multiple (usually two – sometimes three) prayer groups, as will each praise report for answered prayer. Contact Cliff Gjertson @ (251) 424-4074 for more info.
Young at Heart (Senior Ministry)
On the last Friday of each month, the seniors at Calvary Chapel have a pot luck at the church. Every month there is a new theme, complete with food choices and a variety of activities. This is a time to build relationships, pray for each other, and have fun. Look at the clipboard in the foyer for the sign-up and details. Hope to see you soon. Please Contact Mike and Sue Jacoby at (702) 373-1798.
Tech Team
The Tech team is comprised of sound and media teams. The sound team is responsible for setting up, running and tearing down sound equipment for services and events. The media team is responsible for Livestreaming services and other events, setting up and operating the cameras and running lyrics during worship and other events. Having production experience in any of these fields is a plus but not necessary. Must have attended Calvary for at least 6 months and filled out the ministry questionnaire to serve. If you would like to serve or for more information contact Jim Hernandez @ (615) 713-7416 or needtogolf03@gmail.com or Roland Allgayer @ (951)315-5694 or rallgayer@frontier.com
Uprooted & Set Free
Most of the women at Coastal Rehabilitation Women’s Center come from Baldwin and Mobile County court systems. They are ordered by the court to attend a one-year program through Coastal Rehab. It takes time for women to get use to a different life and may take them a while to get used to attending classes, working a job, and getting back on their feet.
Many of them need to be restored back to their families, and Coastal Rehabilitation works with Alabama DHR (Department of Human Resources) to help women get a “child safety plan” renewed custody, and visits with their kids.
They are offered 3 classes a day, and the morning classes are centered on Christ. Other classes include Alcoholic Anonymous (AA), attending church, life skills training, and parenting classes.
Calvary Chapel Foley has had the privilege of being invited into their home (Coastal Rehab Women’s Center) every Thursday to teach the Word of God. Our goal is to teach the truth of the Word of God to women that are broken, hurt, and have lost hope, and allow it to transform their lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Discipling them to walk a different life by abiding in Him and trusting Jesus for their healing.
We have an event once every month which can include taking them bowling, movie night, Spa Night, Thanksgiving events, Christmas dinner, and many other activities that are centered on the love of Christ, and the truth of His Word.
It’s only through the Word of God that one can be healed from deep wounds that have marred our identity in Christ (Psalm 107:20). It’s not until we uproot the cause of our pain “sin” that we truly can be healed and set free.
Please pray for these women, and if you have any questions, or you would like to know how you can help please contact Marty Arellano (714) 599-0084.
If you are interested in serving at Calvary Chapel Foley
Click on the Interested button and down load the Ministry Questionnaire