From Billy Graham, an old man’s advice.
Do you number your days? Do you realize how important every single day is? There is a collapse of time all around us. In the days of Jesus, a man could go about as fast as a horse could run, that was about 40 mph. This carried forward until about the year 1830, when we developed an engine faster than a horse. In 1910, we developed the airplane that went about 45 mph. In 1960 we started going through the air at about 18,000 mph.
How much longer do you really have? Rich people cannot buy more hours. Scientists cannot invent more hours. You cannot even save time to spend it on another day. There is a biblical urgency to time. The Bible says redeem the time because the days are evil. We have invented all kinds of modern things to save us time and we have less time than ever before. We have fast automobiles and fast airplanes and we are running from place to place like mad people. Most of us don’t even know what we’re going to do when we get there. Do like the Psalmist said in Psalm 31:15 and put yourself at God‘s disposal, the Psalmist said “my times are in your hands God”?
Commit your whole life to Jesus Christ. Serve God while you can, serve Him now. The time will come when you can no longer serve Him. Put Him first in your life. God has assigned you a work that only you can fulfill. You are unique and nobody can take your place. Time can be our tool, but we can also be a slave to time. You get to choose.
Pastor Mike