Luke 9:51
Luke 9:51” Now it came to pass when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He stead- fastly set His face to go to Jerusalem”
In this verse we read of the determination of Jesus to go to Jerusalem, He steadfastly set His face to go. The time had come for the work of the Father to be accomplished on the cross. Jesus new what HE was about to face in Jerusalem, this cup that HE would bare for the salvation of man. He did not wavier at the thought, but steadfastly went knowing all the pain He would endure and ultimately the cross.
Yet the reward that would be bestowed upon all mankind was the passion that moved Him forward, the very love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit was the motivation. Despite our constant rejection of His love He went to the cross for you and I.
As we enter into this passion week of Christ may we remain ever mindful of the cost of the cross and the Love of God to make a way for us to have our sin forgiven and a HOPE that can never fade away. May our determination be to walk steadfastly with our Lord, at all cost until we meet Him in His kingdom.
Tony Peralta