Psalm 46:10 says- Be still and know that I am God.

The downside of living in a nation that is so affluent is that we tend to lose sight of how much we need God in our lives on a daily basis. Clothes, food, safety, security, friendship, and entertainment are all readily available and affordable for most. Assuming we have all those things provided for ourselves we are deluded into a sense of self-sufficiency, and that can change our relationship with God from reliance to convenience. When we cease to perceive how much we need God, He soon fades out of sight, then out of mind. The Lord becomes little more than the 911 number of life, call in case of emergency. As our nation is learning the hard way, as God fades so do our values and character, both as people and as a nation.

 Tom Brokaw wrote a book called “The Greatest Generation”, it was written about the values of the World War 2 Generation. My Grandfather was part of that generation, and his character and his word meant everything to him. The legacy my grandfather left was the character he lived for others to follow. Things like honesty, duty, hard work, honor, commitment, kindness, compassion, service to others, and the sanctity of his marriage to my grandmother (married over 70 years), these were the things he valued most.

 Character is permanent.

 Character builds a legacy for others to follow.

 Character is transferable.

 Character attracts respect and stimulates others to develop character as well.

 Character commits itself to principle over personal gain, to people over things, to servanthood over lordship, and to the long view over the immediate view.

 Character becomes a compelling witness.

 Character still counts, let it be part of your legacy for others to follow.

 Be still in God’s presence. Have a blessed week.


Pastor Mike


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