Is HE Worth It?
In Genesis 22 we are told Abraham was given a test by the Lord.
Vrs 2 “Take now your son , your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah , and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.”
Wow, the Lord says take your son to a place that I will show you and there you will sacrifice him.
Have you ever considered the enormity of what was being asked of him? To sacrifice his son, a son whom he loved dearly. Yet we see no hesitation in scripture, Abrahams response is shown in the following verse, “ so Abraham rose early in the morning” and left. As I pondered these verses I thought and asked the Lord, what would you have me to do Lord? What is there in my life that You would have me to give up for You? What would the Lord be asking of you to put aside for more of Him in your life?
To step out of your comfort zone? To give up a job? To put aside a hobbie or a TV show? All of which we may very well love to do. If God has been speaking to you in this way, know that there will be blessings in the sacrifice He is seeking. Just knowing that He might say to you as the Angel said to Abraham in verse 12 “I know that you fear God since you have not withheld …….”
In Hebrews 11:17 we are told that Abraham was able to do what the Lord had asked because of his faith in his God. And because he was obedient the promises of the God were fulfilled through Isaac.
Church let us be obedient, that the blessing of the Lord may be fulfilled in your life and for HIS kingdom, Amen.