Many years ago my family and I drove to Oakland California to see my aunt just after my wife and I got married. One day I asked my aunt what she would like to do, she said she would like to go to a flea market in the next town, so we went and while walking though the flea market looking at all the stuff people were selling, my aunt stopped at a vendor picked up an old spoon, she asked the guy how much he wanted for it, he said 2 dollars. She turned and started to rub some of the tarnish off the silver spoon, then looked at us and said I can rub and clean this up and sell it for 10 dollars. I think sometimes God sees us all dirty and tarnished up, others might think we’re not worth that much but in His eyes we are precious. If we call on Him...
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
When we call on Jesus and ask Him into our hearts and surrender completely to Him, He will clean the tarnish from our lives. Only He can make us like precious silver.
Jim Hernandez