Awaken from Death into eternal life
Jesus wept even knowing Lazarus would be raised from the dead. I believe Jesus wanted the people to know
how much He identified with them. God weeps with us is an amazing statement. I do not recall of any other deity ever doing this. Lazarus was a picture of what is going to happen on a grander scale called the rapture of the body of Christ worldwide. Brother and sister do we realize death is a way of transporting us to eternal life. This world is a land of the dying with an E.T.A. in heaven. Paul reminds us to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord which is far better. Our loved one is no longer subject to the tears of this world which is passing away.
This same Jesus who wept with and for others does so on our behalf still. He also said we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. No one can force their way into heaven or buy their way in. There is a price to be paid that none of us could afford. Jesus paid it all and that is the good news.