Unwavering for God
As we have wrapped this time up in home studies I think so many in our small group have come to realize the strength of steadfast prayers.
A steadfast prayer is intentional and regular and dedicated to the Lord. Now the steadfast prayers are courageously persistent, tough and uncompromising with their prayers to God. They never waiver off path. Praying has always been steeped in tradition, but steadfast prayers always remember who they are talking to. The God of all comfort.
Steadfast prayers know His word and know it’s His prayer. Psalm 2. King David knew and expected opposition. Steadfast prayers know it is the breath on each and every page.
Steadfast prayers see His purpose over all of man’s plans. Acts 4:29 Now Lord, look on their threats, and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word.
Steadfast prayers are not safe or comfortable. They pray for boldness as we cannot do this alone. For me this may be easier said than done and most difficult to put into practice.
Steadfast prayers do not do it for personal glory. They do it for God’s glory.
Steadfast prayers shake things up. God, we want boldness. Where do you find yourself today? Do you need change, clarity, a refreshed relationship, faith, comfort or a break? Lord, we wait.
Sharon Ries, wife of Raul Ries, senior pastor at Golden Springs, died in early May. She said “The Lord has been my best friend, and my encourager. Right now, I am going through a bit of suffering. I want to know Him in the fellowship of his suffering. I pray Lord, if you are allowing me to go through this, I want to go through it with you.” Amen.
David Greer