1 Corinthians 12:18-19

1 Corinthians 12:18-19 says- But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be?

Think of the potential division that is inherent simply in the diversity of gifts. Someone with the gift of mercy finds it hard to deal with the gift of discernment that sees sin clearly and demands people buck up or pack up. The mercy person hurts with the fallen; the person with the discernment gift is repelled by the seeming softness on sin that is reflected in the mercy giver. Visionary leaders are often irritated with those who have gifts of administration. Administrators love details; they ask all the hard questions and can be viewed as obstructionists to the visionary, whose primary concern is the outcome. Yet in Christ we learn that each gift needs the other in a complementary relationship in which weaknesses can be overcome and strengths magnified. Mercy people need discerners to strengthen their views of truth and sin. Discerners need mercy people to teach them about compassion. Leaders need administrators- without them nothing would ever get done completely or well. And administrators need leaders to give them a goal to manage. Christ has uniquely built each of us to advance His cause….together. One Spirit, One Body, Many Members.

Pastor Mike


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