Seeking - praying - reading - and building
“Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the LORD.”
1 Chronicles 22:19
Well it’s a new year! And many of us have our own opinions as we approach it. “It better be a better year”- “it cannot be as bad as last year.” It is also a time of reevaluating life and changing things up for a better year. This New Year will only be different or better, if we chose to set our hearts and our very souls to seek the Lord. David had a house to build for The Lord, it was in his heart. He also rounded up all the provisions and labor to build it. Yet God would not let him build it because he was a man of war. But God said your son Solomon can build it. We all have a house to build for the Lord, ourselves, our families, our church, and our community. Therefore arise in 2024 build the sanctuary of the Lord God in your lives. To bring in the ark means to bring in the very presence of God into your lives and homes. The holy articles needed for the building is God’s Word, prayer, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves with the brethren - church - bible studies - fellowshipping with each other. Let us set our hearts and souls to seek the Lord our God this year - Let us arise and build the house of the Lord in 2024 - For His name and for His Glory
Seeking - praying - reading - and building
Pastor Joe