Selah - - one of the definitions of this word means to “pause – and contemplate”
As I have done that over the past several weeks, God keeps bringing to my mind passages from His Word that have a common theme – Trust and Obey . . . .
Three separate passages give us insight - - and they all center around Jesus and His interactions with Peter.
In Luke 5:4-11, Peter and his friends had been fishing all night with nothing to show for it. Jesus tells them to put their nets down on “the other side of the boat”. Peter’s response (paraphrased) is “At Your word, Master, I will” Nets FULL
In John 21:6-14; Jesus encounters Peter and friends again, as He was showing Himself to them after His resurrection. Similar scenario – “Put your nets down for a catch (after a time of catching NOTHING) - - same results – nets full
In Matthew 14:28-31; Jesus has an interaction with Peter and tells Peter to “walk across the water, to Me”. Peter obeys, and begins to walk on water – until “he takes his eyes off of Jesus, and begins to think about his circumstances”
In all three of these interactions, Jesus asked Peter – a man with great knowledge and experience in being on the waters and fishing, to do something that seemed illogical. On one hand, His command to Peter went against everything that made sense to Peter. On the other hand, Jesus was simply asking Peter to trust Him – to take Him at His word.
I think of this often when God asks me to trust Him, and to Obey. I tell myself that He is not asking me to come up with all kinds of reasons why what He is asking me to do will not work. He is simply asking me to Trust and Obey (also a favorite hymn – written in 1887 - - Trust and Obey) Selah Cliff G