2005 Calvary Men’s Conference
The Calvary Chapel Men’s Conference is a 2 day conference centered on the theme The Making of a Godly Man. We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28. Sessions will be looking at Men or Boys, Brokenness, Restoration, the Filling as it applies to making of a Godly man.
Check-in for the conference will be on Friday, March 9th, from 6:00-7:00pm, and we’ll kick off the conference at 7PM. The conference will conclude on Saturday March 10th at 1pm with a BBQ lunch.
You can register below.
Conference Speakers
Conference Details
May 9th Check-in 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Conference begins – 7:30 pm
May 10th Conference begins – 9:00am
Conference ends 1:00pm
Registration Fee
· $20.00 through May 8th
Price includes light dinner on Friday, light breakfast on Saturday morning and BBQ lunch on Saturday
Hotel information
Call Renea Dawson @251-406-8680 to book your hotel rooms . Call ASAP to receive 10% discount
Contact Information
Calvary Chapel Foley 18464 Underwood Road, Foley, AL
Phone: (251) 943-7990
Email: churchadmin@ccfoley.org